Since the early 1980's I had heard
of Northern Night but it was in Edmonton and being in Regina with a
young family there was always something going on at home. Then for
a few years it was held in Kelowna and with the increased travelling
distance and other commitments again we didn't make it. In 2003,
Northern Night was held in Red Deer and we did make the trip.
Leading up to Northern Night I received several e-mails, each updating
the other, as to who was attending. There was no list of names and
addresses of those who had been found and contacted and had not
In 2006 I was contacted about assisting with Northern Night being planned for Regina in 2007. Although limited, my computer skills were put to use and I planned a website. I tried to register the domain/website name "Northern Night" but it was taken by a company in California. Searching many other alternatives I found "Northern Nite" was not a registered domain name so I bought that name. Our Regina Northern Nite planning went well and one of the pages I had on the website was a list of those who had registered to attend. This page started around November 2006 and as time progressed towards our function in June 2007 there were several cancellations. I didn't want to remove the cancelled names so I highlighted them in red. During the planning I learned of the names and locations of many northerners and I didn't want to lose this information. The result is the current page listing every member, C/M, R/M, S/CST, widows and civilian employees I could come up with. As to this writing there are more than 600 names listed. If you know of a northerner who is not listed or whose name appears in yellow highlight please send me their contact information if you have it. This is not just a compilation of retired members but the names of serving members are also welcomed. I know of several instances where the website has reunited old friends and this is really what Northern Nite and the website are all about. It is my intent to keep this as a permanent website and with your assistance it will keep growing. If you are a northerner, past or present, and would like access to the webpage of names, e-mail me with sufficient details to identify you as a serving or former member and I will provide you with instructions on how to get there. George Bliss Resolute Bay September 1971 to February 1972
This website is not administered by, nor have any ties to, any agency, including the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Veterans' Association. This website is wholly owned and operated by George Bliss. |